I LOVE Diet Coke. I know it’s not good for me. I know I shouldn’t drink it in place of my 8 glasses of water a day (ha ha). I know all that, but I LOVE Diet Coke. I love it with Mexican food, salad, pizza or at the movies. I’m pathetic. To make matters worse, my friend introduced me to a “dirty” Diet Coke last December. Curse you Karalyn. Curse you.
I told my sister about them one day after a meeting and we went to the burger joint to get one. She went back the next day and the next. (A twenty minute plus drive). She made a few of those trips,which sealed the deal: They are worth the drive, AND she is more pathetic than me.
She decided that jumping in her not so tiny car and driving 20 minutes for a Coke made the drink…”fiscally unsound”. I mean, who needs a $10.00 coke when you’re not at a broadway play? She decided to make them at home. (A perk when I’m visiting).
She came up with this recipe. Tweak it as you see fit.
12 oz Diet Coke
1 slice fresh lime well squozen
1/2 teaspoon Torani Coconut syrup
* You can purchase coconut syrup at many distribution stores and grocery stores. They are often in the coffee aisle or where other flavorings are found. Torani is the brand we found that had more natural coconut and less artificial flavoring.
Thanks for the shout out! Part of the excitement about this drink is saying “dirty diet coke” We have a bottle of coconut syrup on our kitchen counter at all times! At least once a week you need to spend the $2.14 at Shivers and order a large dirty diet coke with fresh lime in their styrofoam cup and pebble ice! Holy Crap!
Sincerely, Karalyn
You know you take partial fault for this obsession. Dang you…and THANKS!
ummmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm. delicious!
Sounds Great! Can you tell me where Shivers is located?
There are all sorts of places in Utah. Sonic will add lime and coconut, but it’s the blue “snow cone” kind. There are “just drink” places all over. Shivers in SLC is on 33rd south and about 30th east. Even gas stations carry fresh lime and coconut syrup now so do some experimenting and see how it goes.